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MA1 Bomber jakki svartur
Verð: kr.12.900

Bresk lögregluhúfa
Verð: kr.6.900

Prisoner of War Medal
Verð: kr.2.900

Breskur hermannajakki léttur sumarbúningur
Verð: kr.5.900

Rotcho Vintage Buxur Svartar
Verð: kr.14.900

Skyrta frá Spænsku Lögreglunni
Verð: kr.2.900

Bensínkveikjari í Felulitum
Verð: kr.1.500

Belti í felulitum
Verð: kr.2.500

Mil-tec Tactical boots
Verð: kr.18.900

Verð: kr.6.900

Pólsk hliðartaska
Verð: kr.3.990

Fáni Quebec
Verð: kr.2.500

Carabinieri hulstur
Verð: kr.14.900

50 Cal kassar
Verð: kr.3.900

Tékkneskir herjakkar
Verð: kr.7.900

Stærri 36 L Bakpoki í svörtu
Verð: kr.12.900

You are leaving the American Sector SKILTI
Verð: kr.

Shemag klútur í Sage lit
Verð: kr.2.500

06.05.2009 - The Kolport Weekend ...
If you are in Reykjavik during the weekend be sure to visit our store in the lively Kolaport Weekend market, where you can also...

30.09.2008 - The New Website...
  We are happy to introduce this new website that will have a complete english option that will take some time to finalize. If...

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